Saturday, April 2, 2011

My sister Suzii makes Awesome CAKES!!!!

My sister Susan makes awesome cakes and macarons!! She's done a few cake decorating workshops and gets creative at home baking for friends and family. Here are some of her work...

She makes chocolate cake, white choc mud cake, rainbow (as above), butterscotch... the list goes on!! She also makes cupcakes as well!! Here are a few to wanna make you go ..nhom nhom nhom!!

And then..she also makes a few decorations she's learnt from books..

gelatin flowers
Cute figurines
..and many types of flowers (these are just a few).

She is talented by teaching herself to make macarons which are easy yet hard to conquer first time round, and has done a good job into even creating her own flavours.

Neapolitan Macaron: chocolate shell, strawberry shell with a white chocolate fudge filling

Lamington Macaron: Chocolate shell, dark chocolate ganache and jam filling coated in coconut

Jaffa: orange shell with chocolate filling

Susan's top 10 flavours are Ferrero Rocher, Cookies n cream, Green tea, Dinner mint, Jam Doughnut, Neapolitan, Lamington, Butterscotch, Jaffa and Golden Rough.

However, she does have 26 flavours to choose from and there are 11 more in the making.

So, if you would like to order a special cake or some Macarons, please don't hesitate to email her at

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aww thanks for the blog!! You are awesome!! i guess it runs in the family!! Thank you to everyone supporting Julie on her dessert blogging journey!